Prior to the Date of the operational merger, there will be changes to the credentials you use at Piraeus Bank. The specific date from which these changes take effect will be further announced in this section, as well as at the offices of Postbank and Piraeus Bank. The following requirements will also apply after the Date of the operational merger, in accordance with Postbank's General Terms and Conditions.
The powers of attorney (PoAs) that the Bank will accept must meet the following requirements:
- To have been certified by a Bulgarian notary public after May 1, 2016;
- To have been certified by Bulgarian Diplomatic or Consular Representation;
- Intra-bank power of attorney (on a form of the Bank).
If the power of attorney you hold does not meet the requirements described above for the better protection of your interests, you will need to furnish and submit a new power of attorney in accordance with the above requirements of the Bank.
In the event that you choose to provide an interbank power of attorney on a form of the Bank, you will need to visit the Bank's office and file your signature together with your authorized person before an employee of the office.
When you visit the office, we also ask that you check and, if necessary, update your contact information so that we can contact you with important information issues.
For more information, please contact your banking office or our experts at 0 700 12 002 or 0 700 18 555 (*7224 - short number for mobile operators).