Postbank offers a diverse range of savings options for you to choose from.
Standard saving solutions:
“Mega Plus” saving account provides you extra freedom and flexibility:
- Deposit and withdraw funds
- 24/7 access to your savings – including through debit card or our e-banking
- One free of charge cash withdrawal (the first initiated) from the account at branch for amounts up to 2 000 BGN, 1 000 EUR/USD per month
- Currency - BGN, EUR, USD
Special offers:
"Golden Rent" deposit - if you receive your salary or pension in an account with Postbank, you can also benefit from a 12-month term deposit on preferential conditions. With “Golden Rent", you will be able to:
- receive your interest every month
- have fixed interest rate higher than the applicable on standard term deposits
"SpestInvest" is our deposit/investment hybrid solution, suitable for those of you who are looking for higher returns. “SpestInvest" combines investments in mutual funds with attractive deposit where you are able to:
- decide the split between deposit and mutual funds investment
- higher interest rates on the deposit part than the applicable on standard term deposits
- have the opportunity to gain additional profits for your investment
Due to our participation in the regulated Bulgarian Deposit Insurance Fund, Eurobank Bulgaria AD guarantees for your savings.