Access to the New Platform


I have been using the service and I am not a new client. What changes for me?

If you have already received information that your profile is about to be or has been transferred to the new platform, you can access using the same username and password you have been using.

Once your profile is transferred to the new service, access to the previous e-Postbank service will be discontinued, and the new General Terms and Conditions of Eurobank Bulgaria AD for Internet Banking of individual and corporate clients, will apply.

On your first login to, you will be prompted to change your current password.

One new feature is that each login to will require additional confirmation. This confirmation will be done using a software token or a one-time code sent by the bank to your registered mobile phone number via SMS or other electronic message (Viber).

For the first login from a new device in m-Postbank novo or in other cases at the bank’s discretion, additional confirmation will also be required with a software token or a one-time code sent by the bank to your registered mobile phone number via SMS or Viber message.


I received information that my profile has been transferred to the new platform, but I don’t remember my username and password. What should I do?

If the transfer date is upcoming, you can recover access by using the “Forgotten Password” service in e-Postbank or m-Postbank. To reset your password, you’ll need to know your username and have access to the email address and mobile number registered in the bank.

If the transfer date has already passed, you’ll need to visit a bank branch to request a new activation code. Once you have the code, enter it at or in the m-Postbank novo, and you’ll be able to create a new username and password for access.


I received information that my profile will be transferred to the new platform, but the activation code I received at the bank has expired. What should I do?

You’ll need to visit a bank branch to request a new activation code. Once you have the code, enter it at or in the m-Postbank novo, where you can create a new username and password for access.


I received information that my profile will be transferred to the new platform, but the activation code I received at the bank is about to expire. What should I do?

If you received an email notifying you that your profile is due to be transferred and the activation code is still valid, you can activate your access by selecting the “Activate access” link in the e-Postbank service, after which you will receive a username and password for service access.