
Factoring service is the purchase of sales ledgers and is intended to help solving the major problems accompanying the differed payments, which are becoming a standard, preferred by customers in international markets, and in Bulgaria.
The deferred payments however create a number of problems such as deficiency of working capital financing and problems with collection of accounts receivables from debtors The Factoring company is the one that can assists to solve these difficulties by applying evaluation procedures for creditworthiness of the buyers, for effective credit control and for collection of due amounts. The unique package of financial services includes:

  • Working capital financing without a collateral
  • Up to 100% coverage of the credit risk coming from a potential liquidation or bankruptcy
  • Collection of trade receivables
  • Administrative and accounting management of the trade receivables

Factoring services effectiveness is proved by the fact that in the last few years they have an exceptional growth worldwide and becoming an increasingly important source of working capital, with an annual factoring turnover in Bulgaria for 2012 is above 1.4 billion euro.