What is a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)?
This is a digital certificate issued by licensed certification service providers (https://crc.bg/bg/rubriki/560/elektronni-udostoveritelni-uslugi), as of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act.
In certain cases, to perform a transfer, it is necessary to enter an additional one-time password to confirm the transfer, which you receive via SMS or by automatically calling the mobile number specified by you.
* Transactions with third parties in the m-Postbank novo mobile banking can only be confirmed with the m-Token Postbank software token. To perform operations with third parties in e-Postbank it is possible to use one of the listed means.
Qualified electronic signature
- Install QES and it’s software on your computer according to the instructions from its publisher.
- Register your QES in New e-Postbank.bg from the menu Profile >> QES management, button "Register QES"
Registration of QES in New e-Postbank.bg needs to be completed once, for the period of its validity.
You can use it on more than one computer after installing it according to its publisher's instructions.
To stop using your QES in e-Postbank, it is necessary to fill in a document in a bank branch.
Eurobank Bulgaria recommends paying attention to the following security tips when working with a qualified electronic signature, which will provide you with the necessary level of protection:
- A qualified electronic signature (QES) is equivalent to a handwritten signature on a paper document, so please keep your QES as you keep your personal documents;
- Insert the smart card into the reader or USB key into the computer only at the time of signing the transactions and then immediately remove it from the computer;
- Leaving the signature inserted in the computer creates a condition for malicious use and potential abuse with negative consequences for the author of the signature; Immediately notify the issuer of the electronic signature and the bank, in case of suspicion of its misuse.
- The successful registration of QES in e-Postbank.bg cancels the digital certificate used so far. We recommend that you delete it from your web browser, as the bank will not accept payments signed with it.
- Upon renewal or replacement of a certificate, all signed but unprocessed payment orders (with a future execution date or with the status "Pending execution") will be rejected. They need to be ordered and re-signed.